Appreciating good friends and neighbors
Having a roof over my head
Celebrating joyful events with friends and family
Practicing the mitzvah of helping others
Feeling gratitude for the health of my loved ones and myself
Taking pride in my children/ grandchildren/nieces and nephews
Sharing a laugh with a good friend
Getting away for a much needed vacation, near or far
Walking on the beach with or without others
Enjoying the miracle of a beautiful sunset
Being able to forgive, forget and let go
Curling up with a great book
Exercising to replenish body and spirit
Permitting myself to take a day off
Treating myself to the pleasure of sleeping in
Having the time to explore a new activity
Finding comfort in my pet
Feeling blessed to be part of the Beth Israel community
Even better, I would like to honor ALL these blessings for $72, (a discount of $18)
In addition, I would like to donate to WBI in honor of my own special blessings ($5 each).